COVID-19 safety
The Australasian Diabetes Congress 2021 will take all reasonable steps to provide the safest possible environment for Congress delegates, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, staff and suppliers. The Congress organising committee will be guided by the relevant State and Federal Government guidelines, and advice from the World Health Organisation, to ensure the event meets our obligations to be COVID-safe.
The Congress organising committee will work closely with the venue, BCEC, and suppliers to develop and implement a COVID-safe event plan, to protect the health and safety of attendees, staff, suppliers and our communities.
COVID-safe event principles include:
- Physical distancing
- Hand-hygiene
- COVID-safe food service
- Enhanced cleaning and sanitation
- Attendee check-in and contact tracing
Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre
The BCEC is open for business and continuing to welcome events to the Centre.
Click here for current Queensland Government health advice on restrictions.
At present, the Centre is only open to those registered to attend an event at the Centre. There is no general public access at this time.
BCEC operates under a Site Specific COVID Safe Plan approved by Queensland Health. The Plan is integrated with ASM Global – VenueShield, the highest standard hygiene protocol, rolled out across 325 venues world-wide.
In order to meet the needs of our changing environment, the Centre has also developed the BCEC Safe Event Guideline prepared specifically to assist organisers in the planning of events at the Centre. This document encompasses all the necessary health and hygiene safeguards to enable events to be held in a safe and secure environment.
To ensure the health and safety of our guests, BCEC has adopted contactless payment methods throughout the Centre, including the car park, and encourages event organisers to do the same.

From Tuesday April 27 BCEC will use the new Check-In Queensland Government App for faster, easier and more accurate contact tracing.
Organisers and visitors to the Centre will need to download the App to register their details prior to accessing the venue.